Lynk & Co 2023

Lynk & Co 2023

  • Monthly payments are subject to change in the event of influencing factors such as credit history or the actual cost of insurance.
  • The monthly installment is includes VAT.
  • Without administrative fees.
  • The monthly instalment is calculated on the basis of a period of 60 months.
  • Down payment up to 10%.
  • Final payment up to 40%.
  • There is an ownership value at the end of the contract.
  • Prices may change according to specifications.
  • This campaign is valid until the end of December 2023.
  • This campaign is licensed and supervised by the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia.
  • Terms and conditions apply.
  • APR starting from 10.50%. ( Model 05)
  • APR starting from 10.75%. ( Model 01)
  • Apply